Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New Materials 7/14/19 - 7/20/19

Call Number Title Author
BIO KIPLING BENFEY If : the untold story of Kipling's American years Benfey, Christopher E. G.
BIO RENKL RENKL Late migrations : a natural history of love and loss Renkl, Margaret
BIO ROSE ROSE Play hungry : the making of a baseball player Rose, Pete
BIO SCORAH SCORAH Leaving the Witness : exiting a religion and finding a life Scorah, Amber
BIO WOLFF WOLFF This boy's life : a memoir Wolff, Tobias
CD FIC OATES 11cds 13hrs My life as a rat : a novel Oates, Joyce Carol
DVD FIC POISON ROSE The poison rose
FIC ATWOOD Cat's eye Atwood, Margaret
FIC ATWOOD Surfacing Atwood, Margaret
FIC WALSH The discovery : a novel Walsh, Dan
LP FIC CROUCH Recursion Crouch, Blake
LP FIC FITZPAT Lights all night long Fitzpatrick, Lydia
LP FIC GOODMAN The night visitors Goodman, Carol
LP FIC HALLIDAY Asymmetry Halliday, Lisa
LP FIC HOWE The daughters of Temperance Hobbs Howe, Katherine
LP FIC KELLY Stone mothers Kelly, Erin
LP FIC KING Flight or fright : 17 turbulent tales
LP FIC MALLERY The summer of Sunshine & Margot Mallery, Susan
LP FIC MIRANDA The last house guest Miranda, Megan
LP FIC MONROE The summer guest Monroe, Mary Alice
LP FIC ROBERTS Under currents Roberts, Nora
LP FIC SAGER Lock every door Sager, Riley
MYS FIC CHAPMAN Falling to pieces Chapman, Vannetta
005.4 POGUE Windows 10 : the missing manual Pogue, David
155.3 STEINKE Flash count diary : menopause and the vindication of natural life Steinke, Darcey
305.8009 BROOK The accident of color : a story of race in Reconstruction Brook, Daniel
305.8009 GUO Tell me who you are : sharing our stories of race, culture, and identity Guo, Winona
320.918 REID HENRY Empire of democracy : the remaking of the West since the Cold War, 1971-2017 Reid-Henry, Simon
359.9 KUGLER A dog named Beautiful : a Marine, a dog, and a long road trip home Kugler, Rob
362.29 RIEDER In pain : a bioethicist's personal struggle with opioids Rieder, Travis
381.451 JACOBS The truffle underground : a tale of mystery, mayhem, and manipulation in the shadowy market of the world's most expensive fungus Jacobs, Ryan McMahon
614.5 PRESTON Crisis in the red zone : the story of the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history, and of the outbreaks to come Preston, Richard
639.2 MALARKEY Stronghold : one man's quest to save the world's wild salmon Malarkey, Tucker
647.95 CHANDLER Drive-thru dreams : a journey through the heart of America's fast-food kingdom Chandler, Adam
791.43 JOHN Rocketman : inside the world of the movie
791.4308 BOGLE Hollywood black : the stars, the films, the filmmakers Bogle, Donald.
796.334 MURRAY The national team : the inside story of the women who changed soccer Murray, Caitlin
796.357 SELIG For the good of the game : the inside story of the surprising and dramatic transformation of Major League Baseball Selig, Bud
796.420 FUTTERM Running to the edge : a band of misfits and the guru who unlocked the secrets of speed Futterman, Matthew
818 GUISEWITE Fifty things that aren't my fault : essays from the grown-up years Guisewite, Cathy
839.73 GIOLITO Beyond all reasonable doubt Persson Giolito, Malin
909 VAN LOON The story of mankind Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
914.704 STEVES Rick Steves Eastern Europe Steves, Rick
940.54 SCOTT Rampage : MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila Scott, James
952 IYER Autumn light : season of fire and farewells Iyer, Pico
956 SCOTT Ottoman odyssey : travels through a lost empire Scott, Alev
958.104 SCHILLING Alone at dawn : Medal of Honor Recipient John Chapman and the untold story of the world's deadliest special operations force Schilling, Dan
973.933 REID The man who sold America : Trump and the unraveling of the American story Reid, Joy-Ann Lomena
REF 378.1542 FISKE 2020 The Fiske guide to colleges
FIC AWAD Bunny Awad, Mona
FIC BALDACCI One good deed Baldacci, David
FIC CAMPBELL She was the quiet one Campbell, Michele
FIC CAMPBELL A stranger on the beach Campbell, Michele
FIC CASTILLO Shamed : a Kate Burkholder novel Castillo, Linda
FIC DICKSON The other Mrs. Miller Dickson, Allison M.
FIC DUKESS The last book party : a novel Dukess, Karen
FIC GELMAN You've been volunteered : a class mom novel Gelman, Laurie
FIC GOLDBERG Feast your eyes : a novel Goldberg, Myla
FIC GRAHAM The seekers Graham, Heather
FIC GREANEY Red metal Greaney, Mark
FIC HEMPEL Sing to it Hempel, Amy
FIC HUSTON A stolen summer Huston, Allegra
FIC KIBLER Home for erring and outcast girls Kibler, Julie
FIC LIM Natalie Tan's book of luck and fortune Lim, Roselle
FIC LINDSEY Temptation's darling Lindsey, Johanna
FIC MACOMBER Window on the bay : a novel Macomber, Debbie
FIC MCCALL SMITH The second-worst restaurant in France McCall Smith, Alexander
FIC MEACHAM Dragonfly : a novel Meacham, Leila
FIC ORNER Maggie Brown & others Orner, Peter
FIC ROBOTHAM Good girl, bad girl : a novel Robotham, Michael
FIC RUSSELL Orange world and other stories Russell, Karen
FIC SILVA The new girl Silva, Daniel
FIC SIMSION The Rosie result Simsion, Graeme C.
FIC STRADAL The lager queen of Minnesota Stradal, J. Ryan
FIC WHITEHEAD The nickel boys : a novel Whitehead, Colson
FIC WINFREY Waiting for Tom Hanks Winfrey, Kerry
MYS FIC DOIRON Almost midnight Doiron, Paul
MYS FIC GAILEY Magic for liars Gailey, Sarah
MYS FIC JAMES The pawful truth James, Miranda
MYS FIC KING The Colorado kid King, Stephen
MYS FIC ROSENFELT Bark of night Rosenfelt, David
SF FIC GLADSTONE Empress of forever : a novel Gladstone, Max
YA FIC GARBER Finale : a Caraval novel Garber, Stephanie
YA FIC RIBAY Patron saints of nothing Ribay, Randy


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